If you think that pests or insects only annoys you then you need to know about termites. Yes! Termites are those creepy and nasty creatures that can cause extensive damage to your property and remember repairs are expensive. Hence, you should either hire Pest Control Professionals or take care of your home to keep the termite away from your home.
As termite season is around the corner and this is why you need to be very active to keep the bugs away from your home. If you don’t know that at what time of the year the termites come out then in this article we will let you know everything about termites like when they come out, what are the signs of termite infestation and how to get rid of them.
What are Termites?
Termites can be well described as wood destroying insects. They are colony pests that come in 5 different types. Termites are the silent killers that feed on cellulose, which means every home can be the host to these creepy and property destroying insects. Termites can be found in plants or any wood materials. Here are the five different types of Termites: –
- Conehead Termites
- Dampwood Termites
- Drywood Termites
- Formosan Termites
- Subterranean Termites
As the monsoon is coming so the chances of Dampwood Termites infestation is high. Dampwood infest wood with high moisture content because of their need for excessive moisture and cause severe damage. Well, all the types of termites cause serious property damage.
Signs of Termites?
- Paint that has bubbled or cracked
- Papery or hollow sounding timber
- Mud tubes
- Tight fitting doors or hard-to-open windows
- Termite droppings
What Time of the Year Do Termites Come Out?
Termites swarm usually when the weather begins to warm. The main season for termites is the beginning of spring and summer and also after a rain event. So, as you all know Monsoon is around the corner in India so, there are chances you will face termite infestation problem in your house.
As you know that summer and monsoon are the termite season hence, the care must be taken to avoid attracting Dampwood or Drywood termites. The best way to get rid of termites is to get professional exterminators help. Pest Control Company have professional exterminators that are well trained to handle any type of pest infestation. They use right pesticides or products that are highly-effective in killing pests. But, you should also prepare as best as you can to keep the bugs outside your home. Here are some simple and easy tips for you that will help you to keep termites outside your home on this termite season.
How to Lower the Chance of Termite Infestation?
Get rid of moisture: – As we have already discussed that termites love moisture, especially on wood and also they thrive in moist environments, as they are highly-dependent on water. So, check and make sure that there are no leaky pipes anywhere inside and outside your home ensuring you are giving a perfect home to termites to reproduce or grow.
Don’t let the wood and soil meet: – Termites elaborate tunnels they build through the soil so, the ground is perfect for them and often their tunnels lead into home. This is why you should not let the wood and soil meet. To avoid this you can create some gap between where you yard ends and your home begins.
Close any openings: – As we have already mentioned in the above point that termites can get into your home through the soil but, they can also take advantage of any openings outside to enter in your home. Like any other pests, termites also look for gaps or cracks in the foundation or a hole in the wall. So, you need to look for such openings and seal them properly.
Don’t store wood in the yard: – As the foods in the kitchen are the invitation for rodents, cockroaches and other pests just like that wood is an invitation to termites. So, as you don’t keep the food outside, don’t keep the woods outside for termites. They enjoy and love eating woods and they will smell woods then they will surely come for it in your house. Try to keep in a shed or some enclosed location.
Use termite-resistant wood: – You should consider using termite-treated wood, as this reduces the chance of an infestation.
Have proper ventilation in your home: – Proper ventilation is needed in summer and monsoon season because of the humidity that will create a build-up of moisture and, if you’ve been following along, that’s a big draw for termites.
So, these are the important things that you need to do before the termite season starts. If you are already late for this then do not worry as the professional Pest Control Companies in Delhi is there to help you. They are the right products and techniques that they use to kill and remove termites or any other type of pests from your home and provides you safe and pest-free environment.